Why You Need To Put Yourself First And Face Your Fears (And How To Do It)

I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I wrote this whole post, without mentioning the fact that I am still learning this myself. I am currently trying to let go of a situation that has kept me from doing things I love, believing in myself and living the best life I can. We all do it, we are either too busy, too afraid, too tired - the list goes on.

I think it's safe to say, from time to time, most of us do not put ourselves first and we take the back seat in life, worried about what could happen if we faced our fears. It's normal, although that doesn't make it right. I want to share with you some ways that you can start living your best life, whether it be going for your dream job, being more organised, moving house, or just having more time for yourself.

It's OK to say NO. Sometimes we feel obliged to be there for other people, our friends, work, family, and most of the time, that's great. However, you also need time for yourself, don't push yourself over the limit and stretch yourself out too thin. You need time for yourself, to focus on your goals, no matter how big or small they are. If you look at blogging for example, it's so so hard to have a full time job, a social life and hobbies while trying to blog full time. If you need to focus on your own goals, it's OK to say no to people, and do just that. It isn't selfish, and most of the time, it's needed.

Lists are your best friend. I know some people are not keen on lists, or maybe have tried, and given up as life is just too busy. Trust me, i was one of those people. However, facing your fears can seem daunting and having a main goal can be hard to achieve. My boyfriend taught me to make a list each day of little things I would like to achieve. That could be, do the washing, gain 10 followers on Instagram, reply to those emails that have sat in your inbox for god knows how long! Little steps contribute to the bigger picture and ticking those lists off at the end of the day is such a good feeling. Trust me.

Surround yourself with positive, like-minded people. I cannot stress this enough, we have all been in those situations where the people you are surrounding yourself with are unfortunately bringing you down, and this has a big impact on our self esteem. Make sure you are with friends who pick you up when you are down and motivate you to push harder, and achieve your goals. Be with people who treat you the way you would treat them and watch your confidence rise.

Realise that this is your one and only life, you need to live it YOUR way. Lastly, sometimes you just need to give yourself a reality check and think about things seriously. This is your only life, as daunting as that seems, and why would anyone want to live a life they don't enjoy? It's hard, it is really really hard and I know that - however, it is possible to face your fears and you'll be so thankful for it. Write down what you want to achieve in your life, and what your main goal is, whether thats your dream career, dream house etc, and start making those lists each day of little stepping stones to achieve it. I can't stress enough that life is way too short to not go out and do whatever the hell you want and enjoy it while you're doing it. You're worth so much more than settling for what might seem 'comfortable' - your fears and goals will be out of your comfort zone, and that is what makes them so amazing. You can do it.

I really enjoy writing posts like this, as it also gives me a kick up the butt to start putting my own advice into practise. Comment below what your dreams and goals are, I would love to know how you are going to achieve them! Thank you for reading lovelies.

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  1. I really needed to read a post like this this morning. I'm a typical give out advice but never listen to myself person, and these last few weeks I've ended up working too hard and burning out.
    I'm slowly trying to figure out what I want from life and setting goals and writing lists to get myself closer to that point. I think having small goals is so important, and achieving them is such a good feeling.
    Loved the post and good luck on your journey, I'm sure you'll be amazing.
    Nai xo

    1. Aw, I am really glad this has helped. I totally agree, and it is really hard to figure out what you want in life, but I do think small goals are the way to achieve your end goal!!
      Thank you so much for reading lovely x

  2. love this! I feel like every now and then you really need to sit down and re-assess everything, just to get yourself together again- I need to do this this week hehe!

    M x

    1. Aw thank you! Yeah, that is so so true, me too! Getting a plan and list together this afternoon! Thanks for reading hun.

      Jess x

  3. I've been getting over a lot of my fears lately, a big thing for me has been doing more and thinking less.


    1. Aw, I'm glad to hear it! That's the thing, getting over your fears. The rest just falls into place.

      Jess x

  4. I love this post! I am big fan of lists I think they're a huge help towards motivation. Your post about social media also helped me today. Thank you xx

    1. I'm so glad to hear my posts helped you! Yes, lists are so important I think, they help me to stay motivated haha xx


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