Four Things I Do To Relax And Have Some Me Time

 Life can be pretty stressful, especially adult life; bills to pay, food to cook, taking time to actually socialise... All kidding aside, things can get you down and stressed so it's important to have time for yourself and do things that relax you. I have quite a few, but I thought I would share my favourites things to do when i'm feeling stressed (besides eating A LOT of food, obvs!).

Finding A New Recipe To Make
I love to cook. I never used to, but when you move out you sort of have to do it so that you, you know, stay alive! I've learnt to enjoy it, and Joe is also very good at cooking, so that always helps! I love to flick through a recipe book and find something new to try and start cooking. This week I have made homemade vegan sausage rolls and apple tarts. So, have a think about how stressed I may have been this week!!! There's just something satisfying about making new homemade dishes, and as long as it goes to plan, you're fine! If it doesn't, just blag it. This is such a lovely hobby to have which gives you some time to yourself as well as some yummy food!

PS. My favourite recipe book at the moment is Niomi Smart's Eat Smart!!!

Chilling On The Sofa With Joe, A Tea And Our Fav Show

I mean, who doesn't love curling up on the sofa in their pjs with a massive cup of tea, maybe even a glass of wine if you're feeling fancy? Anyway, completely shutting off from the world, snuggling up and watching a show is a great way to unwind. Me and Joe are currently obsessed with Orange Is The New Black, and I look forward to putting my pjs on (normally by 6pm - I know, great adult aren't i?), and spending my evening just chilling out with Joe, not thinking about any stresses I may have and become immersed in my favourite show.

My Colouring Book

Yes, you read that right. I feel like I am now a fully functioning adult because I own a colouring book. I hit a stage in my life, where I just knew I needed one for endless hours of relaxation. My mum always had one, and when I was younger, I would laugh and think it was silly. Oh how wrong I was, and I apologise Mum. Seriously, get yourself one if you haven't already, I can sit for ages colouring and completely forget about the world. I also found Joe had stopped watching TV one evening and asked if he could join. See girls and guys, adult life doesn't have to be boring, grab those felt tips and start creating pretty pictures! You'll thank me later.

Getting Off My Phone And Reading A Good Book

Social media can be great, it can also be...not so great. I touched on this in my latest post 'When Social Media Becomes Unhealthy'. I like to take some time, normally before I sleep to put my phone away and read. Everyone can tell you how lost you can get in a book, and it's true. If you're a stressful person like me, it may also be worth getting a book to motivate you, I am currently reading Get Your Shit Together by Sarah Knight (relevant, right?). It's really nice to focus on a good book, especially a helpful one, where you can stop worrying about every little thing that goes through your mind and step inside your own little world for a bit.

Let me know what you do to chill out, or if you do these things to. Adulting is hard people, give yourself a break.

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  1. I'm completely with you on most of these. I don't read as much as I should but the PJs the minute I get home? Hell yes. I'm currently in my Harry Potter ones, just to really emphasise the fact that I'm an adult. (Orange is the new black is great, by the way. I watched the last season in one weekend, which I regret as I now have to wait for ages until the next one hits Netflix!). I also own way too many colouring books! Whoops! Great post though :) Glad it's not just me doing these things haha!

    Reema |

    1. Haha, aren't pjs just the best thing!!!! That, and fresh bed sheets haha. I am obsessed with OITNB and me and boyfriend are speed watching it haha. Yes, colouring books are amazing, thank you so much for reading and also confirming that we all do these things :)


  2. I love colouring. I actually have a few of those fancy colouring books. I'm not sure where I've put them though but I really want to find them because it is a great way to relax.

    1. They are amazing aren't they! I can sit there for ages haha. Thank you so much for reading!


  3. I love settling down with a good TV show and some pyjamas as well, sometimes it's all I'll look forward to throughout the day! Also-- I will literally change into my pyjamas as soon as I get home so to me 6pm is pretty good!

    Julia //

    1. Haha yes!! Same here, my boyfriend laughs but PJ's are so comfy and why would you want to stay in work clothes all evening?? Haha. Thank you so much for reading!



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