When Social Media Becomes Unhealthy (And How To Stop It!)

Social Media Advice
Top - Newlook
Jeans - Topshop (Similar)
Boots - Riverisland (Similar - Different Colour)

It's safe to say most of us are going to be guilty of what I am about to write about...even if you don't want to admit it.

Don't worry, this isn't going to be a post where I moan that everyone should get off their phones and stop being self absorbed; this is 2017 and my phone is constantly next to me. I'm on social media when I wake up, scrolling through Facebook or Twitter, watching other bloggers amazing travel diaries on Instagram, wishing it was me. I'm on there when i'm eating breakfast, sitting 'watching' TV, or even sometimes when Joe is talking to me and giving me a constant glare because I wasn't listening to anything he just said (sorry Joe!).

I've been thinking about this, and how unhealthy social media can be. I think a lot of us know what it's like to scroll through that girls Instagram, who seems to have the perfect life, the perfect blog and perfect friends, thinking 'why can't my life be like that?'. I'm going to throw in an old, somewhat annoying, saying here but life isn't always perfect, and on social media, we only see the good stuff. Ok, maybe I made parts of that up, but you get where I am coming from.

I have started to realise how much time I waste comparing myself to others on Instagram, or Twitter and longing for a big break or wishing that I had what others do, when I could have been working towards it, getting into 'GirlBoss' mode, and getting shit done. It's so easy to sit aimlessly scrolling through your phone for an hour and realising you have completely wasted your own time because you get sucked in. I know I do.

Take a look at what you have, and what you want - I can guarantee that using that hour working towards your goals, whether that's writing that blog post you've been thinking about, or taking some insta pictures that you've been putting off doing, will be a lot more productive than comparing yourself to others on Social Media. Don't get me wrong, I am all about girl power and I think we should be encouraging and uplifting other women. Comment on that girl's insta picture because her outfit is amazing, or that bloggers post that really hit home with you - it's surprising how much a positive comment can completely change someones day. All I am saying is, take a break sometimes, have a bath, read a book, plan your to do list and do it.

If you are anything like me, you probably won't want to stop going on social media, even by a little bit, and thats OK, but what we do need to stop doing, is letting it become unhealthy. Start looking at things in a different way, just like you would when you see the media telling you how you need to look or act, ignore it. The way others are seen on social media is not the way their life always is, they have shit days, just like you and I, they have great days, again, like you and I - shocker, I know. Use your time wisely, and when you are on your phone or computer, use it to your advantage. Let other people inspire and motivate you to work hard, not feel sad because you haven't accomplished what they have, you're going to accomplish your own goals and thats great!

Just, take a minute. Then, get your GirlBoss head on, and make your goals a reality, we can do this.

Follow me on TWITTER and INSTAGRAM (hypocritical right?)


  1. I spend way too much time on social media, hell I'm on holiday but still lying in bed scrolling through when I should be out in the pool! I'll go now 😃 Great post. Enjoyed it. Just finding the balance. Xx

    1. Haha, I am exactly the same so don't even worry!!! Hope you had a fab time and thank you so much for reading xx

  2. I really love social media. It kinda has the opposite effect on me to most people. I love seeing really get photography and people looking like they are living perfect lives because it brightens my mood.


    1. Ah yes, i completely agree. Most of the time it inspires me and makes me happy :) Which is what can be so great about it. Thank you for reading! xx

  3. Ah this is so so relevant! I think if most of us actually stopped to calculate how long we spent on social media, we'd be completely shocked. I think, as you say, it's when the browsing becomes more negative and stops being something fun, but something you use to put yourself down by comparing. It'll be difficult to fix, but I definitely think we need to be more aware of this.


    1. Yes, I completely agree. It can be great, but other times it can be a bit damaging! I definitely spend too much time on social media but I think we are all guilty of it! Thank you so much for reading!

      Jessica x

  4. Omg I couldn't agree with this more. Since I've gone freelance I'm on social media CONSTANTLY and sometimes it's nice, but more recently it's become counter productive and I've spent less time creating things and more time looking at others. Defo agree we all need to take a step back and have a little look at what we're doing, which is actually what I'm going to do today hehe :) This is a wonderful post Jessica, can't wait to share it on my Twitter!

    M x

    1. Thanks so much for sharing Maria! Yes, that's exactly the same with me, it's so easy to spend your time looking at others and not focusing on yourself but it's a habit that with practise, I'm sure we will both be able to kick! :) Thanks so much for reading!

      Jessica x

  5. Yess I am so guilty of spending way too much time just mindlessly scrolling through my phone, although definitely think that social media can be useful when you're interacting with others and encouraging them, as well as sharing your own useful content. It's all about finding that golden balance! (& you look great in those photos, loving your outfit!)

    Maria | http://whatismaria.wordpress.com

    1. You're 100% right, it's about finding the perfect balance! It can be hard, but it's really worth it. I still don't take enough time out from it to be honest, but i'm working on it. Yes, it can be very useful!! I think without social media, no one would be reading my blog!

      Thanks so much Maria :)

  6. I love this post! Funny thing is, I thought that once I started getting my blog going and writing more that I wouldn't have as much time to be perusing social media but has actually gotten way worse because I am trying to grow my blog by supporting others and it takes a lot of time and attention. I told my husband I was actually worried about the time I was spending because I am also a homeschooling mom of 4 and I have felt disconnected from them. It is so hard to find a medium. I don't much of an issue comparing myself or success to others but I worry too much about my post success and how to actually get people to want to read your blog!

    1. Yes, that is the same for me. I spend so much time on there, as I am trying to promote my blog! It's hard but if you can find the right balance it's so much easier! I'd say maybe try and take at least 1 hour out of your day with your phone away, and don't even look at it, that's what I am going to try and do :)

      Thank you for reading x

  7. Absolutely agree with you! I spent hours scrolling through Facebook (the most) in the morning, at work, and in the evening. I deleted my Facebook a few months ago and absolutely LOVE it! Aside from my time and productivity being affected by social media, I felt my mental health was as well - I couldn't help my compare my life with my peers and feeling really shitty about myself and where I am at life. I still have have Instagram and Twitter, but its not as toxic as Facebook was for me since I follow a lot of bloggers and art profiles.

    1. Yes, it can really take over your life sometimes! I am glad to hear that it has helped you and it's so hard to not compare yourself too others, but when you can stop that - you feel so much better! Glad to hear you are loving it now you have deleted it. Thank you so much for reading! x

  8. Awesome post Jessica and you made so many good points. I'll often spend way much time wondering why my life isn't like what I see of others' on social media, even though I know it's all just people's best moments! I bet if we all spent half the time we spend comparing ourselves actually doing something productive, we'd all get so much more done.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

  9. Yup, the worst mistake in life is to compare your life with others'. Happiness comes from appreciating what you already have. And dreams do come true, when you believe in yourself and work hard.

    x Charlotta Eve

  10. Agreed! It;s so easy to check out other blogs you love or Instagram accounts or whatever under the pretense of seeking inspiration... who are we fooling?! We're just wasting time! The difference between those people we admire and us is that they actually got moving to make their goals a reality. And if they can, so can we (PS: I love your boots! <3)


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