Finding Happiness In New Beginnings

So I kind of owe you an explanation...I haven't posted anything on this blog in over a month and I am sorry. Although in some ways, I do feel bad for neglecting my blog, I also think it had to happen. I'm going to be completely open and honest with you all, (as I always like to be on this blog) but I have had some changes in my life as of recent that have completely spun my world around. I think I hit a wall in my life, where I lost interest in my hobbies and felt like I couldn't get over this until certain things in my life had changed and so I could change.

Although I do want to update you in this post, to let you know whats going on in my life, I also want to give advice to others who may be going through the same thing. I've made some recent changes that have caused me to see things in a different way. I have been feeling quite down recently, and as many of you know, this tends to cause you to stop trying, stop caring and sort of sit behind this wall until you find a way to climb over it.

Whether it is a relationship, a friend, your career, your confidence; all of these things have a huge effect on your life and how you feel. Sometimes, things need to change and that's ok. I've realised that this short life that we each have should be spent doing things that we enjoy, it's your life so why would you spend it on things that make you miserable? For example: I used to sing, a lot. I performed at pubs and bars, recorded a lot of covers on youtube and forgot about any worries while I was doing it. Singing was one of my hobbies, along with blogging, that I could get lost in and completely forget about any stresses I had. I haven't sung in a pub for 2 years, I haven't recorded a cover this year and I haven't played my guitar or piano in over a year. 

I've been focusing on negatives in my life, and feeling miserable about them, instead of changing them and focusing on the positives. Whatever energy you put into the world, you're going to get straight back. That's why i've vowed to focus on the positives, I have changed the things in life that make me unhappy and I am taking back my happiness. I've set a list of goals, most of wish revolve around my blog, my music and my career. I can't stress enough how important it is to have goals set, and a future to look forward to. Leave the negatives behind, if you can change the things you aren't enjoying, change them. If you can't change certain things, put your energy into the positives in your life. Write down what you are thankful for, any goals you have and how you are going to achieve them. These goals and aspirations you have, also need action and to put these actions into place, you need to have a positive mindset, trust me.

I hope that, if you are like me and maybe have been struggling recently, then you can start this journey with me. New beginnings are definitely scary and uncertain, but if it helps you find your happiness, it will be your best decision. Let's try and focus on the positives this week, write things down, and make new beginnings. Please comment and write to me if you are also on this journey as I would love to hear what you are doing to find your happiness. Also, don't worry, my blog isn't changing and there will definately still be a mixture of topics from fashion and beauty to lifestyle. I just want to be able to be open with my readers as I feel like I can offer advice myself and I love knowing that my words may help others.

Have a great week, and it's so so good to be back.

Thank you for reading.


PS. We have a new addition to our little family, meet Simba, one of the changes that have made me and Joe very happy!


  1. I'm starting a positivity challenge for October because I've been feeling so down recently.

    Simba is a cutie!

    Steph x

    1. That sounds like a good idea, and I am sorry to hear that! Hopefully the challenge will help you, but if you ever need to talk, I'm happy to help!

      Haha, thank you! He is a handsome one!

      Jessica x

  2. This is such an interesting post. I think it's so easy to get caught up in the game of life and forget to do what you love.

    1. Thank you Rosa! It is so easy, and that's what's sad - sometimes you don't even realise it!

      Jessica x

  3. This sounds like where I was a while back. Inspires parts of my blog to this day and very much inspired the opt-in challenge I created for my site. I hope you are successful at rerouting your course and focusing on the positives. It truly is easier said than done but so worth the results. Aiming for true north is a great place to start. Thanks for sharing and welcome back to your blog.

    1. Thank you so much Deanna! I am glad to hear you are on the right track, and I hope to be very soon! Thank you for reading and commenting :)

      Jessica x

  4. It's like you've taken the words right out of my mouth with this blog post! I am in the exact same boat - I made a big life change recently that I know others will think I'm stupid for but it was making me unhappy for a long time, along with this I stopped blogging and doing all the other things I used to enjoy. I've been free of said thing for over a month now and I can't believe how much happier I am. I only wish I did it sooner! I'm slowly getting back to my old self and doing the things I love! x

    1. Aw I am so so glad to hear that and that you are doing well and getting back to yourself. I couldn't agree more, if something is making you so unhappy that you are even stopping taking part in the things that you enjoy it's totally not worth it. Thanks so much to reading and I am so happy for you x

  5. Love this post. I also have just started blogging again after a 7 month gap.. �� Doing what makes you happy can sometimes become bottom of the priority list and its so important to take time and do the things that make you happy. Can 100% relate to you. Keep smiling and doing what you love �� xx


    1. Thanks so much Eilidh! Glad to hear you are blogging, and doing what makes you happy! Thank you for reading and I am glad you can relate! :) x


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